"A revolutionary party would defend the rights of all the oppressed - racial minorities, women, gays and lesbians, the disabled etc - while combating ideologies such as nationalism and feminism that diminish the primary role of class in society."
- Fiddling and Fudging while the City Burns: Report on 'The Convention of the Left', 21 September 2008
Also, in issues that involve the disabled and mentally ill such as homelessness and healthcare, the ICL often manages to go the entire article without a single mention of the disabled and mentally ill. One rare occasions they might eke out a fraction of a sentence.
The IBT hasn't written as much on the disabled as I would have liked. But I must appreciate the fact that they are severely limited in their printing capacity (their paper comes out once per year). This being the case they are limited in terms of how many issues they can cover.
Also on the IBT's most recent article on fascism they IBT at one point writes:
"Fascism is not a set of ideas that can be discussed and debated—it is a program of violent terror directed at the left and workers’ movement, visible minorities, immigrants, the disabled, homosexuals, the transgendered, Jews, Muslims and anyone else who does not fit their psychotic vision of a “pure” society."
- British Fascism on the Rise: Smash the BNP
The ICL's most recent article on the fascism (also about the fascist BNP), in contrast makes no mention of the fact that fascists
"The BNP are also reaping gains out of the reactionary crusade against foreign workers that began at Lindsey oil refinery in January 2009 under the slogan of “British jobs for British workers” (see “Down With Reactionary Strikes Against Foreign Workers!” WV No. 930, 13 February 2009). Responsibility for this lies with the Socialist Party [of Peter Taaffe, affiliated with Socialist Alternative in the U.S.] and the trade-union bureaucracy, who led this campaign."
What the grossly named "International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist) is less eager to discuss is the fact that they criminally through their support behind an equally sinister movement, the Free Robert Latimer. The basis of this latter movement is that killing people with disabilities should carry no criminal sentence. Like the truly grotesque chauvinist campaign against foreign workers in Britain, fascists in North America have similarly reaped gains from the movement to free Robert Latimer. Unlike the Peter Taafe and the Socialist Party of Britain (a name that seriously debases socialism), Robert Latimer has actually murdered people a person (his own disabled daughter of all people). Taafe and his cronies AT LEAST haven't killed foreign haven't KILLED foreigners.
The lynching of Tracy Latimer and the mass ablest Pro-Robert Latimer hysteria has created an environment, at least in Canada, where killing the disabled is seen as acceptable and because of this more disabled people are being lynched. What environment could better for fascists to flourish. Just as the Socialist Party of Britain bears responsibility for creating an environment for fascists to flourish in Britain, the ICL bears responsibility for creating a similar environment for fascists to flourish in Canada.
Robert Latimer, describes his actions as a "mercy killing". If the ICL had done their homework they would have known that "mercy killing" has historically been a rallying cry of outright fascists. When Hitler killed disabled people in the holocaust it was described as "mercy killings". In fact the whole notion of involuntarily "euthanizing" people with disabilities and mental illness. Got its start with the eugenics movement and later the Third Reich.
In terms of outright fascist rally behind Robert Latimer, the ICL's defense is that this says nothing about whether or not Robert Latimer welcomes theirs support. However this contradicts one of their statements against the Socialist Party of Britain:
"while a report on the Lindsey strike in the Socialist (5-11 February) says the BNP “have been bounced off from this strike.” This is hardly the point. Why did the BNP support the strike? The Socialist Party bears its share of responsibility for leading a chauvinist campaign that has the enthusiastic support of the fascist BNP!"
- Workers' Vanguard No.937, 22 May 2009
Either way Robert Latimer just sits back while outright fascists make his case. As a political colleague said of Latimer:
"Latimer is probably not a neo-Nazi. But Latimer sat back and allowed White Supremacists, neo-Nazis and other far-Right extremists to plead his case for him. I know that, were I in prison for reasons that I felt were unjust, I would sit in prison UNTIL I DIED rather than let the forces of darkness, death and evil to speak for me. The fact that Latimer never disavowed his far-Right supporters is a fairly damning indictment of his political leanings."
When I told of the ICLs support for Latimer he said:
"It doesn't suprise me that these scum are in bed with the Far-Right, but they're
still claiming to be on the Left here."
I think that the reason the ICL would kowtow to the mass ablest Pro-Robert Latimer
hysteria is to show the Capitalist class that despite their hard edged talk in
their paper, they really are a harmless sect.
As for the IBT they have not said or written anything on the Tracy Latimer to my knowledge. However, unlike
the ICL, I don't consider silence to be proof of guilt and I prefer to see it from the standpoint of innocent until
proven guilty.