Monday, March 8, 2010

Mumia Opposes the US Invasion of Haiti

It appears Mumia opposes the most recent US invasion of Haiti. Well they accuse the IBT and the IG of "grotesque fantasies" I wonder if they'll hurl the same mud at Mumia.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The ICL's Latest Smears‏


It appears that the ICL has just smeared the IG in their previous article and both the IG and IBT in their most recent article. They once again resort to spew grotesque personal attacks against Bill Logan as well. I myself listed the criteria for psychopath (psychopath and sociopath are synonymous) on Spartacist Watch and challenged the ICL to show me which traits Bill Logan exhibits, if any. They have not done so. I glad Jack Heyman spoke out against the ICL drones making personal slanders against Logan.

Considering my experience at the outskirts of Jimstown their attacks against the supposed cultish nature of the IBT is grotesque and hypocritical. I myself have witnessed some brutal means at which the ICL deals with people who challenge or even question the party line. I myself have been the target of their "criticism/self-criticism". They put in a room full of people who support the party line and they scream at you. They keep meeting with you and screaming until you renounce your view. In my instance, they tried to brainwash me into believe that it was acceptable for caretakers of the disabled to murder the disabled in their care. They are in agreement with outright fascists on this on. The fact that I have several disabilities myself made this experience even more abusive then it would be otherwise.

They continue to defend their grotesque support for the US invasion of Haiti. Interestingly they seem to oppose the presence of Doctors without Border and Red Cross in Haiti. Basically, this means they oppose aid but support the invasion. Another own goal I would say. The ICL themselves acknowledge that the US military has blocked aid to Haiti. In terms of the remark about putting out fires. The military does put out fires and I don't think that should be opposed. However I doubt the US would invade another country to put out fires. The US commonly using lofty pretexts for invading neocolonies. When they invaded Kosovo they claimed it was for human rights, only to kill far more people than Slobodan Milošević. When they invaded Afghanistan, they said it was about women's rights, only to enshrine Sharia law in Afghanistan's constitution. When they invaded Iraq, they said it was to make Iraq a Democracy, but I wouldn't call modern day Iraq a secular republic.

The again denounce the IBT for support the blowing out of the Marine Barracks in 1983, the ICL claims that their was inter-communal violence, all sides were jockeying for the support of the US and that the US military was considered expendable. Well that sounds a lot like the present war in Iraq or Afghanistan. I guess the ICL is saying that "Revolutionaries" should demand "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home" and refuse to defend attacks on US, Canadian and other Imperialist troops.

The ICL spat on the 2008 ILWU anti-war strike as well as the notion of Workers' Revolution in Haiti. And here they are calling the IBT and IG cynical. As for the remarks that the IBT and IG were "silent" about the Haitian diaspora, that the IG was "silent" about the past oppression and that the IBT is silent about the US/Canada/France invasion of Haiti in 2004 I don't this means they are apathetic or guilty. The IBT paper comes out once per year the IG paper comes out twice per year. I think this has probably more to do with printing capacities and similar factors than anything else. The ICL has tightly controlled internal life and in their cult the notion that silence proves guilt is an effective tactic. Unfortunately for the ICL, the real world works quite diferently.

The ICL, as usual, has regurgitated a long list of unrelated allegations against the IBT and IG. If the ICL wishes to do this they really ought to answer these groups rebuttals. Even as far as slanders by the ICL against the IBT and IG, these was especially bad and unconvincing and even more sensationalistic than usual.

Bolshevik Greetings,

P.S. As for the remarks about Bill Logan being a grief counselor, this sound like one the cheap ass attacks the ICL like to make which doesn't amount to any point.