Tuesday, October 27, 2009

On the ICL's De Facto Bloc with Fascists over the Lynching of Disabled Children‏

Comrades, As you probably know I have been subscribed to your paper for years. I noticed in one article where you denounce the Socialist Party of Britain for their part in a truly reactionary and racist bunch of strikes against foreign workers. You talk about how the fascist British National Party came out in support of the rally. You point out the Socialist Party of Britain not welcoming this support is irrelevant.

This is a good point but I don't think your readers are aware that you yourselves are in a de facto bloc with facists over the lynching of disabled children. Everyone in your party I have spoken too has nothing but support for Robert Latimer a sociopath and ablest, fascistic bigot who lynched his severely disabled daughter. Neither the fact that Robert Latimer has the support of outright fascists nor the fact that Latimer has sat back while these forces of death, terror and genocide rally behind him has caused you to waver. Instead one of your drones tries to smear me as a Zionist. Needless to say his arguments blew up in his face.

Your utter disregard for the desperate grievances of the disabled completely discredits you and undercuts any of your claims to be a tribune of all the oppressed. I suggest you do the honourable thing and admit and repudiate your wrong-doings. Making excuses, slandering me and screaming hysterically will only discredit yourself further.

Trotskyist greeting,

P.S. I apologize if I was abbrasive in some of my earlier emails with you. In my defence, you hysterical screaming and attempts at brainwashing me into believing that the disabled (who I can be counted among) are better off dead makes it extremely hard for me to be civil.

P.S.S. If you can't muster the humility and integrity to admit your wrong doings you can at least refrain from sitting on your high perch and saying I "have no right" calling myself a Communist, Revolutionary, Marxist, Leninist, Trotksyist or fighter for the oppressed.

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