Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Canadian Fascism on the Rise...............and the ICL is Nowhere to be Found‏

As I have wrote the ICL criminally championed fascistic bigot Robert Latimer who 
lynched his own disabled daughter in cold blood. 
The ICL hasn't stated this in their press, however, when I told the ICL that the 
proletariat must defend the disabled from such bigots and that the proletariat 
must be mobilized to smash the Free Robert Latimer Movement, I was subjected to 
"criticism/self-criticism". They also reaffirmed their support in two nasty screeds
sent by one of their mindless drones Andrew M.
Like I predicted the fascists have reaped benefits from the Movement to free 
Robert Latimer. The fascists had attempted to rally in the Greater Vancouver area. 
Fortunately, this rally was prevented from taking place by an anti-fascist 
counter-demonstration. The ICL was notably absent from the counter-rally. 
There was also a fire bombing in BC of an anti-fascists activist's house, which 
was probably done by fascists. There was also a cross burning of an interracial 
couple in Nova Scotia. Notably none of these three events was mentioned by the ICL 
in Spartacist Canada or Worker's Vanguard. 
The ICL  has had time to smear the Bolshevik Tendency and the Internationalist 
Group and reiterated their criminal support for the U.S. Of Haiti (although they 
have back peddled on this).
It would seem that the rise of Fascism in Canada isn't important to the ICL. This 
is quite telling since they share responsibility in creating an environment for 
fascists to thrive. The ICL helped created this problem and the disabled, the 
working class and the oppressed will suffer for it.

1 comment:

mary said...


I am a Trotskyist from Brazil, I'm member of Coletivo Lênin, a group now discussing with the IBT.
I would like to discuss politics with you.
Our organization's email is

Saudações Comunistas!/Communist greetings!
