There is one thing I should probably point out. On page 80 of Volume 2 of The Logan Dossier Jim Robertson says, "You know what a Sociopath is, comrades? A sociopath? It means somebody who is insane and projects it in social configurations. Its possible to be quiet and crazy. It's also acted out. Jack the Ripper was a sociopath."
However, according to the book Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Among Us by Dr. Robert Hare, a leading world authority on psychopaths, psychopathy is defined as the following:
1) Glib and Superficial
2) Egocentric and Grandiose
3) Lack of Empathy
4) Deceitful and Manipulative
5) Shallow Emotions
6) Impulsive
7) Poor Behaviour Controls
8) Need for Excitement
9) Lack of Responsibility
10) Early Behaviour Problems
11) Adult Anti-Social Behaviour
12) Lack of Remorse or Guilt
The book also says, "In fact, psychopaths have none of the hallmarks of mental illness". Hare also points out that psychopathy (psychopathy and sociopathy are synonymous) does not fit the legal or medical definition of crazy.
I think that if the Sparts are going to go around accusing people (i.e. Bill Logan) of being a psychopath they should have some idea of what a psychopath actually is.
Another thing, as I said in a previous email to you. The Sparts (or at least some of there cadre) are defending an individual named Robert Latimer who murdered his disabled daughter. Robert Latimer has yet to show remorse for his actions but you don't see the Sparts accusing him of being psychopath in fact he is described by them as a "victim". (see.
One thing that should be pointed out that whenever a parent murders a disabled child in their care society cries for their blood but when a parent kills a disabled child there is massive sympathy towards the killer (see.
Well it seems the Sparts have hopped on that bandwagon. I think you people have it dead on when you say that the Sparts, "despite a residual capacity for cynical "orthodox" literary posturing, has shown a consistent impulse to flinch under pressure." And you are right "The "international Spartacist tendency" today is in NO important sense politically superior to any of the dozen or more fake-Trotskyist "internationals" which lay claim to the mantle of the Fourth International." (emphasis added).
I noticed that on the Sparts website on their declaration of principles section they say they "defend ALL Oppressed People". Perhaps a more HONEST declaration would say that they "defend SOME oppressed people and others they are adamantly opposed to defending"! As Trotsky said "the role of the vanguard party is not to go with the backward flow but to swim against the current". Well as the Sparts AREN'T "the vanguard party" because they sure as hell don't swim against the current!
And in case you were wondering where the Sparts stand on the Tracy Latimer issue, I'll tell you. Somewhere to the right of the Christian Heritage Party! It isn't easy being right of the Christian Heritage Party but the Sparts manage to do it. There stance on this issue puts them at par with the Stormfront White Nationalist Community!
There are several accusations you made against the Sparts which can confirm, from my own experience are true:
1) The Sparts DO use thought reform!: If you have a disagreement with the party they will first try to convince you you are wrong (often, but not always, in a group). If this fails, they resort to hysterical denunciations. If they are still not able to convince you you're wrong they will keep bringing up the issue any time they meet with you (resorting to hysterical denunciation if necessary). They will do this until they break you and mold you into mindless hacks.
2) The Sparts DO drive off dedicated cadre and supporters: The party wouldn't recruit me because I am mentally ill. After a year of being a sympathizer, they barred me from postering for them, handing out leaflets for them, handing out newspapers for them or helping them intervene at political events.
3) The Sparts DO flinch under pressure: I have illustrated that above.
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