I really think you are grasping at straws. In terms of my blog, like any blog, website or newspaper I have no control over who reads it. The same applies to Worker's Vanguard and the ICL's website. I think you remark sounds like Stalin when he accused Trotsky of inevitably aiding the Imperialists for his criticisms of the Kremlin. Trotsky responded by saying that he says what is.
Also, I don't think the BT ever approached the Wall Street Journal. I think the Wall Street Journa took stuff from a BT article without there permission. Also, from what I've heard three people from the New Zealand section of the ICL including Bonnie Bentley, Editor (or former editor I'm not sure which) tried to get the liberal bourgoeis City Voice to run a story about the ICL's bulletins against Logan.
In terms of the term "mentally insane" it is a pejorative term for the mentally ill. The claim that mentally ill commit horrible crimes is a age old myth about the mentally ill. Also the term sociopath is synonomous psychopath.
Also with Tracy's pain being intermittent all the disability rights groups I came across refute the claim that Tracy was in continual pain. I have plenty of disability rights groups on my blog
In terms of whether or not there are articles by the ICL about the disabled how about you show me them. Last time I checked their search engine I found only one or two seperate sentences about the disabled.
In terms of the ICL not recruiting people with disabilities or mental illnesses. Those were the grounds for refusing to recruit me. This was back in Fall 2005. My support for the party wasn't in question until March 2008.
In terms of my stances I am for Quebec Independence, for British troops out of Northern Ireland, I am against counterrevolutions in the former East European Workers' States as well as the Soviet Union as well as political revolution to oust the Bureaucracy. In terms of the remaining four workers' states China, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. Unfortunetly counterrevolution has already in the USSR and East Europe when I was five so I probably couldn't do much then.
Also, I want to point out that I am not an actual member of the Bolshevik Tendency and there are some of there stances that I disagree with.
We clearly not seeing eye to eye and I think were are starting to go around in circles. And I do want to point out that I never called you stupid.
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