Thursday, April 2, 2009

Some More Thoughts Concerning Andrew M.'s Comments

In the two emails Andrew M. has sent me, which I would imagine were carefully vetted by the ICL leadership, he said that I have no right calling myself a Communist, Revolutionary, Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyist or Fighter for the Oppressed. Frankly, I think this takes a great deal Chutzpah on the part of Andrew and the International Communist League. Andrew M. and his cult are defending Robert Latimer and Ablest bigot and fascistic yahoo who murdered his own disabled daughter in cold blood. Yet Andrew has the nerve to sit on his high perch and call me "vile and hypocritical" for saying I defend the disabled. Vladimer Lenin says in What is to be Done?, "The role of the [Communist] is not to be a party secretary but to be a tribune of the people to oppose oppression and tyranny wherever it appears and whatever stratum of society is affected". The ICL's arguments that Tracy Latimer was "in a great deal of constant pain and Latimer killed her to relieve her suffering" might as well be sited from outright fascists since various fascist group, who support Latimer, make the exact same arguments (except for the crap about "Jew controlled governments"). The ICL takes the program of outright fascists and call it Leninism. Thus dragging Communism through the mud. Its regarded a "sleight-of-hand" for leftists to adopt the program of the liberal bourgeoisie. What do you call it when a left group adopts the program of outright fascists?! I'm sorry Andrew, if anyone here has lost the right to call themselves Communist, Revolutionary, Leninist, Marxist, Trotskyist or fighter for the oppressed, I think it fair say that its is you and the ICL, not me.
Being the apologists for lynchings of the disabled that you (Andrew M. and the ICL) are, you can of lost the right to judge who does and doesn't have the right to call themselves Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyist, Communist, Revolutionary, or Fighter for the Oppressed.

Also, I want to state that as far as I am concerned the ICL has no right callling themselves the "tribune of ALL the oppressed". To cover for its cowardly flinch on the lynching of Tracy Latimer, the ICL quite ludicrously and revoltingly tries to pass off Robert Latimer as oppressed. The ICL now has to explain how exactly white men with property are oppressed. They also claim that Robert Latimer and Tracy Latimer "suffer together". This remark is truly demeaning towards the disabled. Based on the same logic, one could argue that Islamic Jihadist dads and their daughters "suffer together", even if the daughter is "honour killed" by her father (at least Muslims are actually oppressed, unlike Robert Latimer). Or you could logically say that homophobic evangelical parents "suffer together", even if the parents murder their kid. Or you could even say that misogynistic men "suffer together" with the wives they beat. Andrew, perhaps rather than being disgusted with me I think just maybe you should look yourself in the mirror.


P.S. I think it is quite telling of the ICL's attitude towards the disabled that would be outraged at the murdering of disabled people being called lynchings. My views on the disabled are not all that different than practically anyone in the disabled community.

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