Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Samuel Trachtenberg of "Revolutionary Regroupment": Another Apologist for Lynching

I had recently wrote about David Walters of Socialist Organizer being an apologist for the lynching of disabled children and the child killer and fascist front-man Robert Latimer. I also denounced the fascistic redneck Robin Palmer. Well it seems there is a new member of the syphilitic chain, Samuel Trachtenberg of the grossly misnamed "Revolutionary Regroupment".

Samuel has fallen a long way since he left the International Bolshevik Tendency (a group I am a sympathizer for). He has recently been defending the fascistic redneck Robin Palmer, and has defending David Walters for his apologies for Robert Latimer. Saying that regardless of whether David Walters supports Robert Latimer that my criticism are un-Marxist. So clearly Samuel Trachtenberg doesn't care that Robert Latimer murdered his own daughter for being disabled. He doesn't care that Robert Latimer's actions and the support he receives from the mainstream media encourages further violence against those in the disabled community. He doesn't care that Robert Latimer sits back an lets Nazis speak for him.

I think it is fair to say that it is anyone who would be in de-facto bloc with the far-right and fascists who is un-Marxist.


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