Revolutionary Regroupment (RR), now two separate groups (which are now fighting over who gets to keep the name), initially claimed that Jason Wright had a job as a clerical worker for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). When called on it they admitted that he IS NOT a cop and DID NOT work for DHS. But insted of admitting they lied through their teeth they merely resort to several contradictory explanations. Icaro Kaleb claims they never called Jason Wright a cop or member of DHS and that Jason supposedly wasn't forthcoming about his employment (i.e. shifting the goal post) . But on their website they dismiss they wrongdoing as a technical error (as if wrongfully smearing someone as a cop is as innocent as a typo). Clearly Revolutionary Regroupment (RR) can't keep their story straight.
Revolutionary Regroupment's (RR) reasoning goes like this, "YES we made malicious allegations against the other guy. YES we were lying. YES we know are remarks are defamation and slander. But WE are the good guys and THEY ARE the bad guys. WE are the truthful guys and THEY the liars. You can trust us. We may be liars but we are honest and sincere."
Ironically, Sam and RR whine that the IBT has supposedly "tried to brand him 'insane'". And yet, Sam T. tried to brand me "insane". A while back he accused me of "flying off the hinges", "having angry outbursts", "making debacles", discrediting myself". So clearly self-awareness isn't a thing for RR, whether Sam T. in New York or three-person clique in Brazil. Hypocrisy, thy name is Revolutionary Regroupment.
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