Saturday, March 21, 2015

Clarification on David Walters and Samuel Trachtenberg

One thing that needs to be cleared up. It should be noted that neither David Walters (of "Socialist Organizer" (SO)), Samuel Trachtenberg (of "Revolutionary Regroupment"(RR)), Svend Robinson (of the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada) or the "Internationalist Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)(ICL-FI))" are fascist or fascistic. They have sided with fascistic terrorist and fascist front man Robert Latimer (and Robert Latimer himself is certainly himself fascistic). Robert Latimer DOES sit back and let outright fascists (including the Vanguard News Network, the Stormfront White Nationalist Community, the Phora and the speak for him).

Being that as it is the ICL, David Walters and Svend Robinson ARE in de facto bloc with fascists over the lynching of disabled children. But they them themselves ARE NOT fascist and ARE NOT fascistic. Samuel Trachtenberg did not directly side with Robert Latimer but did side with Robin Palmar and David Walters both of him sided with Robert Latimer. Samuel Trachtenberg IS NOT fascist NOR is he fascistic. That being said the behaviour of Trachtenberg, Walters, Robinson and the ICL is certainly opportunistic. SO and the NDP are opportunistic organizations the ICL are political bandits and their support for Robert Latimer is opportunistic. Trachtenberg's behaviour is opportunistic as well. That being said non of them are fascist or fascistic.


DW said...

Michael, thank you for your clarification. A needed correction. A few things. you seem to have a misunderstanding of what a "Block" is. It is not simply a set of congruent ideas, but groups, tendencies and individuals that work together for a common *goal*. I could have a million things in common with the Sparts and it wouldn't be a "Block" which involved at least acknowledgement of such a block and a collaboration of some sort. "Comments" on FB or you Blog that are similar to others doesn't represent a Block in any common or Trotskyist understanding of the term. Just wanted to note that.

Secondly, I asked a question and pointed out what I thought, and still do, reasonable arguments made by the SL on this issue. I know nothing about other than what I've read in their press importantly, your response which minus the hyperbole and rhetoric about "wanting genocide" (which, naturally, I didn't take seriously nor would any one) was reasoned with regard to the specifics.

At least in terms of the facts around the case in Canada.

I've never known a soul personally who was in favor of the Nazi inclusion of anyone with a physical or mental/emotional disability to be put to death, which is, after all, what you were writing in your outburst. In fact I'm for diabled rights and even voted for them when I was a resident in San Francisco and it came up on the ballot.

The issue really are situations of extreme *exception* which involves the terribly disabling degenerative diseases or results of accidents where people are born essentially as empty vessels with almost no brain activity. This was a HUGE issue on the right to die a few years ago where the pre-Tea Party types wanted to prevent the family of a person whose brain had turned to jello, essentially, to stay forever hooked up to a ventilator and IVs.

I think all these issues are valid to discuss.

DW said...

Terri Schiavo is the persons name. I saw it on your post you linked to on FB.

Leon Trotsky said...

My issue with the Sparts was NEVER about Terry Schiavo. It was about their support for Robert Latimer a man who killed his disabled daughter and sits back and lets Nazis speak for him. They never talk about in their paper but I learned the hard way where they stand back when I was a sympathizer when I was subjected to "criticism/self-criticism". Every screed I have received from them since, indicates that they support Robert Latimer.

Leon Trotsky said...

Leon Trotsky said...

If you regret your previous support for Robert Latimer you can always say so publicly. You comments here have nothing to do with what I have been talking about.

Leon Trotsky said...

Funny how David says he is for disability rights but AGAIN resorts to ablest bigotry. His claims to support disability rights are debunked by his actual practice. Basically he supports disability rights as long as those in the disabled community sit down and shut up.